December 28, 2021

NEWS: Rep. Bowman Urges Biden to Make January 6 a National Day of Healing

NEWS: Rep. Bowman Urges Biden to Make January 6 a National Day of Healing
Rep. Bowman Highlights Need to Ensure No One Is Allowed to Erase Insurrection from History

WASHINGTON D.C. - Congressman Jamaal Bowman (NY-16) sent a letter to President Biden urging him to issue a proclamation recognizing January 6th as a National Day of Healing.

“I write to strongly encourage you to use your executive authority to help create space for the American public and our democracy to heal from the January 6th insurrection,” wrote Congressman Jamaal Bowman (NY-16). “The country is hurting. While the Select Committee on the January 6 Attack and the whole of Congress continue its work to investigate and report on what happened that day to hold those responsible accountable, we must not lose sight of the need to heal from the trauma left unaddressed for almost a year. Therefore, as we approach the one year anniversary of the attack on the Capitol, I encourage you to issue a proclamation recognizing January 6th as a “National Day of Healing”.”

“Nearly 70% of Americans viewed the 2020 Presidential Election as a significant source of stress, which was only further exacerbated by the insurrection three months later,” continued Congressman Jamaal Bowman (NY-16). “Simultaneously, the COVID-19 global pandemic persists, which has created its own stress burden and precipitated a youth mental health crisis. These challenges aren’t experienced by the American people in isolation. We need an opportunity to collectively heal together and a designated day to do so will help rally the country behind this cause. I urge you to use your executive power to highlight the injustice of January 6th and make sure the trauma it caused is not lost to history. In less than a year since the insurrection, Republicans have already begun to rewrite the history of that painful day. As you know, the President has the power to issue a proclamation that recognizes an individual or an event to elevate important issues. Issuing a proclamation declaring January 6, 2022, a National Day of Healing will help ensure that no one can erase this traumatic event in our history or the need for resources that help us individually and collectively heal.”

To read the full text of the letter click here.
